Nginx 缓冲区设计

  • 内存同样使用内存池进行分配
  • buffer 通过链表连接起来,不用了就回收到内存池的 chain
  • buffer 结构体通过位域进行标识,节省内存空间

Nginx 缓冲区结构体组成

struct ngx_buf_s {
    u_char          *pos;
    u_char          *last;
    off_t            file_pos;
    off_t            file_last;

    u_char          *start;         /* start of buffer */
    u_char          *end;           /* end of buffer */
    ngx_buf_tag_t    tag;
    ngx_file_t      *file;
    ngx_buf_t       *shadow;

    /* the buf's content could be changed */
    unsigned         temporary:1;

     * the buf's content is in a memory cache or in a read only memory
     * and must not be changed
    unsigned         memory:1;

    /* the buf's content is mmap()ed and must not be changed */
    unsigned         mmap:1;

    unsigned         recycled:1;
    unsigned         in_file:1;
    unsigned         flush:1;
    unsigned         sync:1;
    unsigned         last_buf:1;
    unsigned         last_in_chain:1;

    unsigned         last_shadow:1;
    unsigned         temp_file:1;

    /* STUB */ int   num;
  • nginx buffer 不仅可以作为内存缓冲,还可以作为磁盘缓冲用于处理文件,可以通过位域标识判断是否是内存缓冲
#define ngx_buf_in_memory(b)       ((b)->temporary || (b)->memory || (b)->mmap)
#define ngx_buf_in_memory_only(b)  (ngx_buf_in_memory(b) && !(b)->in_file)
  • pos 表示当前处理到的位置,last 则是需要处理到的位置,因此获取当前缓冲区需要处理的数据大小可以通过如下方式计算
#define ngx_buf_size(b)                                                      \
    (ngx_buf_in_memory(b) ? (off_t) ((b)->last - (b)->pos):                  \
                            ((b)->file_last - (b)->file_pos))


1. 创建临时缓冲

  • 创建指定大小的内存缓冲区,标志为可写
  • 注意 buffer 结构体需要初始化,初始时 poslast 都指向 start
ngx_buf_t *
ngx_create_temp_buf(ngx_pool_t *pool, size_t size)
    ngx_buf_t *b;

    b = ngx_calloc_buf(pool);
    if (b == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    b->start = ngx_palloc(pool, size);
    if (b->start == NULL) {
        return NULL;

     * set by ngx_calloc_buf():
     *     b->file_pos = 0;
     *     b->file_last = 0;
     *     b->file = NULL;
     *     b->shadow = NULL;
     *     b->tag = 0;
     *     and flags

    b->pos = b->start;
    b->last = b->start;
    b->end = b->last + size;
    b->temporary = 1;

    return b;

2. 获取一个缓冲链

  • 缓冲链就是将多个 buffer 以链表的形式连接起来,形成更大的缓冲区,结构如下
struct ngx_chain_s {
    ngx_buf_t    *buf;
    ngx_chain_t  *next;
  • 获取时首先尝试从内存池拿,如果没有就分配一个新的,注意这里只是单纯获取缓冲链,并没有设置 buffer
ngx_chain_t *
ngx_alloc_chain_link(ngx_pool_t *pool)
    ngx_chain_t  *cl;

    cl = pool->chain;

    if (cl) {
        pool->chain = cl->next;
        return cl;

    cl = ngx_palloc(pool, sizeof(ngx_chain_t));
    if (cl == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    return cl;

3. 获取带缓冲区的缓冲链

  • 获取分配了 bufs->num 个大小为 bufs->sizebuffer 的缓冲链
  • 先分配 bufs->num * bufs->size 大小的内存块,然后再分配 buffer 结构体,设置指针初始位置
  • 最后获取 chain(优先获取内存池中空闲的)
ngx_chain_t *
ngx_create_chain_of_bufs(ngx_pool_t *pool, ngx_bufs_t *bufs)
    u_char       *p;
    ngx_int_t     i;
    ngx_buf_t    *b;
    ngx_chain_t  *chain, *cl, **ll;

    p = ngx_palloc(pool, bufs->num * bufs->size);
    if (p == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    ll = &chain;

    for (i = 0; i < bufs->num; i++) {

        b = ngx_calloc_buf(pool);
        if (b == NULL) {
            return NULL;

         * set by ngx_calloc_buf():
         *     b->file_pos = 0;
         *     b->file_last = 0;
         *     b->file = NULL;
         *     b->shadow = NULL;
         *     b->tag = 0;
         *     and flags

        b->pos = p;
        b->last = p;
        b->temporary = 1;

        b->start = p;
        p += bufs->size;
        b->end = p;

        cl = ngx_alloc_chain_link(pool);
        if (cl == NULL) {
            return NULL;

        cl->buf = b;
        *ll = cl;
        ll = &cl->next;

    *ll = NULL;

    return chain;

4. 拷贝一条缓冲链到另一条的末尾

  • 注意拷贝的只是 chain,即 chain 指向的 buffer 没有拷贝,属于浅拷贝
ngx_chain_add_copy(ngx_pool_t *pool, ngx_chain_t **chain, ngx_chain_t *in)
    ngx_chain_t  *cl, **ll;

    ll = chain;

    for (cl = *chain; cl; cl = cl->next) {
        ll = &cl->next;

    while (in) {
        cl = ngx_alloc_chain_link(pool);
        if (cl == NULL) {
            *ll = NULL;
            return NGX_ERROR;

        cl->buf = in->buf;
        *ll = cl;
        ll = &cl->next;
        in = in->next;

    *ll = NULL;

    return NGX_OK;

5. 尝试从空闲缓冲链中获取一个带缓冲区的缓冲链

  • 如果 free 缓冲链不为空,则取第一个 chain 返回即可
  • 如果为空,则先获取一个缓冲链,然后为其分配一个 buffer 结构体
ngx_chain_t *
ngx_chain_get_free_buf(ngx_pool_t *p, ngx_chain_t **free)
    ngx_chain_t  *cl;

    if (*free) {
        cl = *free;
        *free = cl->next;
        cl->next = NULL;
        return cl;

    cl = ngx_alloc_chain_link(p);
    if (cl == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    cl->buf = ngx_calloc_buf(p);
    if (cl->buf == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    cl->next = NULL;

    return cl;

6. 更新缓冲链

  • 如果提供的 out 非空,将 out 缓冲链连接到 busy 的尾部
  • busy 缓冲链中与指定 tag 匹配且没有待处理数据的 buffer 放到给定的 free 缓冲链中,如果不匹配则由内存池回收
  • 若当前 buffer 存在未处理的内容,则停止更新
ngx_chain_update_chains(ngx_pool_t *p, ngx_chain_t **free, ngx_chain_t **busy,
    ngx_chain_t **out, ngx_buf_tag_t tag)
    ngx_chain_t  *cl;

    if (*out) {
        if (*busy == NULL) {
            *busy = *out;

        } else {
            for (cl = *busy; cl->next; cl = cl->next) { /* void */ }

            cl->next = *out;

        *out = NULL;

    while (*busy) {
        cl = *busy;

        if (cl->buf->tag != tag) {
            *busy = cl->next;
            ngx_free_chain(p, cl);

        if (ngx_buf_size(cl->buf) != 0) {

        cl->buf->pos = cl->buf->start;
        cl->buf->last = cl->buf->start;

        *busy = cl->next;
        cl->next = *free;
        *free = cl;

7. 获取文件缓冲链待处理缓冲区合并的大小

  • 遍历文件缓冲链,计算当前缓冲区的大小
  • 累加缓冲区大小,直到遍历完链表或者总和即将超过给定 limit 时结束
  • 移动 in 指针的位置到下一个未处理的节点
ngx_chain_coalesce_file(ngx_chain_t **in, off_t limit)
    off_t         total, size, aligned, fprev;
    ngx_fd_t      fd;
    ngx_chain_t  *cl;

    total = 0;

    cl = *in;
    fd = cl->buf->file->fd;

    do {
        size = cl->buf->file_last - cl->buf->file_pos;

        if (size > limit - total) {
            size = limit - total;

            aligned = (cl->buf->file_pos + size + ngx_pagesize - 1)
                       & ~((off_t) ngx_pagesize - 1);

            if (aligned <= cl->buf->file_last) {
                size = aligned - cl->buf->file_pos;

            total += size;

        total += size;
        fprev = cl->buf->file_pos + size;
        cl = cl->next;

    } while (cl
             && cl->buf->in_file
             && total < limit
             && fd == cl->buf->file->fd
             && fprev == cl->buf->file_pos);

    *in = cl;

    return total;

8. 根据发送字节数更新缓冲链

  • 遍历缓冲链,计算当前缓冲链的待处理缓冲区大小,大于 sent 则移动指针,然后继续遍历
  • 小于等于 sent 则直接将 pos 指向 last 表示这段缓冲区没有待处理的数据了
  • 注意需要判断一下当前缓冲区是表示的内存还是文件
  • 最后返回 in 指针,其指向下一个待更新的缓冲链节点
ngx_chain_t *
ngx_chain_update_sent(ngx_chain_t *in, off_t sent)
    off_t  size;

    for ( /* void */ ; in; in = in->next) {

        if (ngx_buf_special(in->buf)) {

        if (sent == 0) {

        size = ngx_buf_size(in->buf);

        if (sent >= size) {
            sent -= size;

            if (ngx_buf_in_memory(in->buf)) {
                in->buf->pos = in->buf->last;

            if (in->buf->in_file) {
                in->buf->file_pos = in->buf->file_last;


        if (ngx_buf_in_memory(in->buf)) {
            in->buf->pos += (size_t) sent;

        if (in->buf->in_file) {
            in->buf->file_pos += sent;


    return in;